01. Geometrical Properties of Plane Area
02. Graphs of Normal Force Distribution in Tension-Compression
03. Graphs of Torsional Moment Distribution in Torsion
04. Graphs of Shear Force and Bending Moment Distribution in Plane Bending (Cantilevers)
05. Graphs of Shear Force and Bending Moment Distribution in Plane Bending (Two-Supported Beams)
07. Stresses and elongations in statically indeterminate rods in tension-compression
08. Strength and Rigidity Analysis of Staticaly Determinate Shafts
09. Stress Analysis of Two Supported Beams in plane Bending
10. Stress Analysis of Rod Systems in Combined Loading
11. Stress Analysis of Beams in Oblique Bending
12. Stress Analysis in Eccentric Tension – Compression
13. Generalized Displacements in Cantilevers in Plane Bending
14. Generalized Displacements in Two-Supported Beams in Plane Bending
15. Generalized Displacements in Plane Frames in Plane Bending
16. Internal Forces in Statically Indeterminate Plane Frames